First Quarter Club Newsletter SRM 2021/21

As another year goes by for the students of Scholastica in the life of covid, club sessions and activities still go on all running online. Even after having so many restrictions in this complicated time, the club leaders of Scholastica Mirpur yet again find a way to keep the club activities as interesting as ever, making the members feel little to no differences on how it used to be before the pandemic took place and now.
This year, the SLLC leaders were challenged to rank the top clubs of Mirpur Campus with very close margins to determine the positions each club achieved. Despite the ranks each club achieved in the first quarter, their remarkable club activities showed how well the leaders can perform even in this online platform. Starting from each club having their own projects to collaborating with other clubs, hosting intra-school events, this quarter had it all in store for the members of the clubs. Positions of the clubs were determined by how committed the student leaders’ were, the club activities and projects, attendance of the members, how organized the clubs were, club website activities, social media engagements and so much more! With all factors keeping in mind, here is the ranking of all the clubs for the first quarter of 2021-22 session, congratulations to all the clubs for the effort! We hope to see more of it in the 2nd quarter!
Now we’ll look into what the clubs were doing in the first quarter!
International Relations (IR):
This quarter has been quite a busy one for International Relations as not only their members contributed in school events such as Teachers’ Day celebration, they also hosted an Intra-school event called “Salem Witch Trials” on September 24th which received immense response from the students in terms of participation. The event made students dig deep into historical events and represent themselves in moot trials, making it a successful and memorable event for the students and the leaders themselves! Moreover, the club had frequent MUN sessions during the club meetings making each and every meeting a fun, learning experience for the members.
Spanish Club:
In the first-ever instalment of the Scholastica Spanish Club, members started their journey by exploring the context of language in different cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. Through interactive activities, members learnt the basics of the Spanish language — the alphabet, numbers, and greetings. In the following sessions, members enjoyed learning how to form and pronounce introductory sentences and questions.Simultaneously, members worked on projects such as “Adopt a Spanish-speaking country” and “National Day of Spain” to delve into Spanish culture and history.
Community Service Club:
The first project, Alleviating Humanitarian Crisis was on finding feasible and achievable solutions to alleviate humanitarian crises such as hunger, poverty, etc. Club members enthusiastically participated in the project and the best three teams were announced and their works published on the social media platforms.
In the month of September, the club decided to do a survey to ensure the well-being of the club’s members. The initiative was appreciated by the members and a project was assigned to the club members to highlight the importance of Mental Health. This led to the planning of a special Mental Health Session along with a Mental Health and Well-Being Intra-Club Competition. In the Competition, different club leaders assigned their members tasks to compete against each other. Later, the winners of the competition were awarded in October.
The club also decided to award the best-performing members and let them explore the opportunity to work as a leader in the club, assigning them roles and making them conduct and plan the sessions according to the learning schedule of the club.
Maths Club:
Maths club has been pretty active in the first quarter as the members of the club dived into learning the concepts and topics such as Vieta’s Theorem, Binomial Theorem, Arithmetic and Geometric Progression, etc. To add more to that, they have also guided their members on the national Olympiads, conducting their own ones on a monthly basis for the students to have ideas on it.
Environmental Club:
Being one of the new clubs the school had in this session, Environmental Club did not take the opportunity for granted and gave their members a busy yet enjoyable quarter. Keeping them occupied with club projects where the members presented the impacts of climate change to having special projects regarding Urban Heat and Ozone Layer as a part of their Awareness Campaign, reminding us again that as humans we have no time to lose as a lot of damage has been done to the world we call our home, changes need to be brought to redeem the mistakes us humans make on a daily basis.
In addition to that, the club later had a month-long collaboration with Scholastica Young Entrepreneurs’ and Economists’ Forum (SYEEF) on Green Entrepreneurship. The club also started preparing for their first ever trademark inter-school event “Scholastica Environmental Summit” which will be hosted from 5th – 6th November, 2021.
Spoken Word Club:
The club had a busy quarter as the members were kept occupied with contributing in the school Teachers’ Day and Academic Achievements Ceremony with participation in Intra-school competition hosted by the Community Service Club to celebrate World Mental Health Day. In addition to that, the club also assigned a project to its’ members on Storytelling, which continued for multiple sessions, involving the members getting feedback on their pieces.
Science Club:
The Science Club focused on teaching the members about Astronomy, teaching some of the details of it, highlighting the significance of it during the sessions. In addition to that, the club also assigned a project called “Project Aqua,” where the participating teams had to come up with a commercially viable solution to any problem they may think of, be it to facilitate our lifestyle or help the community, by making use of water. Amidst the several excellent projects they selected a winner and an honourable mention.
Drama Club:
The Drama club too had quite a busy quarter as they were involved in making a Teacher’s Day Video where Leaders and Members actively participated to make a video about teacher’s day. Drama club collaborated with Photography and Media club to make this video. The video was shown to the teachers in the teacher’s day event.
A short intra club skit making competition regarding World Mental Health Day was hosted by the club to spread awareness regarding mental health.
The rehearsals for the Annual Drama have started. The script has been decided which is based on 16th December- Independence Day. A proposal to the school to host a physical annual drama was sent. If physical drama is not possible, preparations for an online drama are also ongoing among the club members and leaders.
The month-long collaborative project between SYEEF and Stallions Magazine Club, “Interview Series: Successful Local Businesses’‘ marked a great start to the club year. Members across both clubs formed teams to write articles based on their interviews with local and successful start-ups/businesses, which were published in the Stallion Magazine. The goal of the project was to help members learn about successful businesses first-hand, as well as get an authentic experience of journalism.
Following that, SYEEF intra-club Quiz Day turned out to be a members’ favourite activity. The goal was to help members learn about economics and business basics through a fun and interactive live quiz, while also encouraging their curiosity to learn and engage in healthy competition.
Dance Club:
The Dance Club has had several events, activities and competitions in the following months with the help of our hard working members and leaders!
Hip hop/ secret recipes of dance: After a few days of discussion and rehearsals, the members got to know about the basic steps which would be helpful for the upcoming event.
Teachers Day: Club leaders gave the dance choreography to the members on the song Memories by Maroon 5 which was shown in the teachers day event
Dance tutorial / hip hop: A dance tutorial was given to the members on the song “HRVY” by 1 day 2 nights. The members submitted their performance and they were posted on social media as well. Certificates were given to the best performances
Fortnite dance: A world wide trending fornite dance tutorial was given to the members. The members of the dance club will be submitting their performances and get feedback afterwards.
Debating Society:
The leaders and members of the Debating Society had a fruitful first quarter as they were involved in tournaments, before that, the leaders made sure the members were well used to the ‘World School Debating Championship’ (WDSC) format which was thoroughly explained to them. Furthermore, the tactics of argumentation and rebuttals were also discussed. The members took part in an Intra-club debating spars with assignments provided to them to sharpen their debating skills and knowledge. Last but not the least, the members and leaders took part in tournaments as mentioned earlier that included “The DSDC Coherence 2021, the BDC Fempowerment 2021, the 18th BDC PreWorlds 2021” where they performed considerably as well.
Scholastica Symphonies:
In the month of September, the Music club assigned their first project titled “Instrumental Project” where all the members were asked to make a project on any one musical instrument that they aspire to learn or already know alot about. This helped club members to express themselves through instruments and share their opinions about various different instruments. It also allowed them to learn more about their selected instrument and enhance others’ knowledge as well
During October, the club arranged a small competition to be held inside the club, it was focused on songwriting. We encouraged members to write down their thoughts and emotions about mental health and articulate them into lyrics.The best out of all pieces were rewarded with a certificate. Moreover, to celebrate Teachers’ Day, members of the club performed the song “In this moment” dedicated to all the teachers to express gratitude towards them for their hard work and contribution.
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