Mental Health And Well-Being

Throughout October Scholastica Community Service Club of SRM organized an Intra-club event in which students of Class V- XII took part. Individual clubs assigned tasks for members to compete against themselves. The mental health event was held on the 11th of October via Google meet. The honourable chief guest of the event was Dr. Shahina Akther from Psychological Health and wellness clinic (PHWC). Dr. Shahina spoke about the importance of mental well-being and the participants interacted with each other and the chief guest during the question-answer session. The winners of the competition were announced and awarded certificates afterward for their outstanding performances.

The winners of the Intra-club Mental Health and Well-being competition are as follows:
From Spoken Word Club
Winner: Marzanun Naeem (X Orange)
Second Position: Wasif Ihsan (X Green)
Third Position: Aarba Waisa Tarfee, Class VII Indigo
From Scholastica Symphonies (Music Club)
Winner: Azmeeha Mobin ( Class X Indigo)

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