Second Quarter Club Achievements of Drama Club

Second Quarter has been a very significant quarter for SRM Drama Club. Despite the pandemic, just like every year, this year too Drama Club has decided to host its major event- The Annual Drama.
Rehearsals and The Script
The script ‘ওরা এখনো আসে’ was finalized by our faculty advisors and the management by the first week of this quarter. Most of the rehearsals were held online during regular session timing although before the last week of the shoot, unofficial club sessions were taken even during weekends so that the members were fully prepared for the shoot.
Further Preparation for the Shoot
By the second week of the quarter, plans for a physical shoot were made. A meeting with the Head of Sections and the management confirmed that the shooting for this play will done on Scholastica Mirpur Campus. The camera man, the setting, the makeup artist and the props were provided by the school although participants were required to bring their own costumes.
The Shoot
The members willing to participate in the Annual Play were taken to Scholastica Mirpur Campus for the shoot. They were under the supervision of the Head of Section and the faculty who ensured that everyone followed strict Covid- 19 protocols. It was a 4 day shoot, members willing to participate had to have a consent form signed by their parents before they could come to school.
The Play
The play ‘ওরা এখনো আসে’ was released on 16th December- Victory Day. It was streamed online by the school. The link was provided to everyone’s respective emails.
Link to Annual Play 2021-22:
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