Scholastica Maths Club – 2021/22 Leadership Profile

Proudly presenting the one and only Isfahan Jawad Juboraj – the next president of SMC. With his infinite experience and wisdom he aims to bring about the next great leap among clubs.
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way
-John C. Maxwell
Coming up next the Vice President of SMC – Samin Rahman. His sincerity and persistence make sure he excels in whatever he aims for, and we can’t wait to see what he has in store for us!
Leadership is about vision and responsibility, not power
-Seth Berkley
Up next is the Member Secretary of SMC – Suhita Sharmin Anubha. Quiet, calm and confident, Suhita’s work always sets the expectations high for everyone.
People often complain about the lack of time when lack of direction is the problem
-Zig Ziglar
Coming up next the Treasurer of SMC – Faiza Nooren Suhita. She is creative and ambitious and never fails to meet the expectations of the ones around.
Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things.
-Peter F. Drucker
Up next is the strategist of SMC – Aayan Haider. Smart and composed; his ability to handle and solve problems is not unheard of. Waiting to see what he has in store for this year.
Either you run the day or the day runs you
–Jim Rohn
And at last the new and enthusiastic technologist of SMC – Soumik Saha. With his touch at the technological side of things he sets out to develop the technological side of things within the clubs.
Hard work beats talent, when talent doesnt beat hard work
-Tim Notke
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