Art in Action Club 2022-23 Leadership Profile

Introducing the Executive Board members of the Art in Action club:
President, Areez Sharaf
I am the new president of the art in action club. The past sessions have been admittedly, a bore, with cliched formulaic topics that encouraged creativity but within a box. It highlighted only a single part of art, the old classical Monet’s and Van Goghs and such. The artists who have lost their validity in this modern world. Now is the time for a change. For something new, and you, the art club members, are the bringers of this change. I am proud to present to you, a session of contemporary innovation.
Vice President, Eeraj Rahman
Hello! I’m Eeraj, I’m going to be the vice-president of the AIA club. After careful planning, we have been successfully able to put together a wonderful session for all those who join. Not only activities, events, and a field trip but also a ride in the world of art.
Strategist, Sidratul Muntaha
How do artists greet each other? Yellow Everyone! As you can tell, I like art and hope to ditch the boring, robotic day-to-day rhythm of life and switch it with vibrant colors. You can expect this session to be a joyous one, where you can share your opinion, art and express your true self. Let’s hope to bring out the best versions of ourselves and make the brightest of memories! Remember, Earth is without ‘art’ is just eh…
Secretary, Mehjabin Ishra
Art has always been an essential part of my life. In this world everybody has a meaning they want to meet, a message they want to send, a story they want to paint; all of these begins with a stroke, and that’s exactly why I am excited to lead ART IN ACTION club. Cheers to letting people unleash their artists. Art in Action gives you the opportunity to express yourself through colors, and with over 6 years of experience on art, I am more than delighted to be a part of such a therapeutic club.
Technologist, AL AF Khandaker
Hey there, I am the new technologist of this Art Club. Previously this club has focused on something that was just a bore and something not fun. This time We executive members have decided to make specific changes which would focus on exciting things, not only painting and stuff but also About Art. So we have decided to make this session one of the best and something that is not forgotten and makes a fun, creative, and full of knowledge session. I, as a technologist, wish to make this club work and be fully cooperative. Hopefully, this session will be fun and fabulous with awesome members!
Treasurer, Ashfia Islam
I am extremely grateful for having the opportunity to serve as the treasurer of Art in Action. It is really exciting to be able to discover and learn more about art from a new perspective, through many different amazing events and activities planned for this year. Really looking forward to this session!
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