Economics Club- 2022/23 Leadership Profile

We are delighted to announce the Founding Election Board Members of Scholastica Economics Club! Here is a glimpse of our talented EB Members:
Shams Sadhin- Grade XI
‘When you get drunk, you can tell everyone that you are just experimenting with the law of diminishing marginal utility.’
Economics is way more than just an academic subject, the concepts of economics can underlie in all our decision makings and basically how the world operates. It is truly a great honor to work with everyone involved in this club to present all these fun concepts through activities and events to you guys. We have planned a really exciting and enjoyable year diving deep into economics, and be a student of Economics or not, one should not miss out on all the things which are to come. I wouldn’t miss it, so would be looking forward to a great session with everyone!
Mishal Aftab Idan- Grade XI
‘Economists do it with models because there is no shortage of demand for the curves they supply.’
Can’t express my exuberance to get started with you all. Being the vice president after months of hard work to launch this club gives immense pleasure. Best of luck!!!
Tasnim Anower Sneha- Grade XI
Not only it is a privilege to represent the Economics Club but also is equally exciting. Working collectively, we can ensure sustainability and efficiency in a delightful way.
Tishma Rhine Joarder- Grade XI
Super excited to serve economics club this year!
Mushfiq Mashiat- Grade X
It is an incredible honor to be part of Economics Club EB board member. I am looking forward to a great session ahead!!
Eeraj Rahman- Grade XI
“Why was the economist feeling so low about his banana bread failure? He was let down by the deflation”
Enough of unoriginal jokes, I have been surrounded and dealing with tech for almost all my life so I don’t think pursuing this position would be a problem for me. Moreover, meticulously designing the entire year, we can guarantee that we are going to be bombarded by fun collaborated activities in the world of economics… Come on it’s not a scheme… would I lie to you? I’m not a econ-artist after all! See what I did there?!
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