Scholastica Model United Nations Club – 2022/23 Leadership Profile

Introducing the Executive Board of the MUN club:
Shah Zaowad Ahnaf (President) – I might be 5’4 only but I promise to make this club reach great heights.
Mahir Daiyan (Vice President) – Model United Nations has been a memorable part of my life and being at the position of Vice-President of the MUN club brings me immense joy, as I have been granted the task of guiding the members of this club in their journey as MUNers, while also learning from them in the process. Here’s to an amazing year!
Dhrupadi Latifa Siddique (Strategist) – If I’m being honest, you’ll hardly see any of the qualities you expect from a student leader in me. Am I goal oriented? Not really. Am I organized? No, absolutely not. What makes me apt for this job is nothing but love. The love I have for this club can shatter all barriers questioning my capabilities. I don’t work for merit, I work for the love I have for this club and the memories I owe to it. Thus, I believe there’s no place more suitable for me than a spot in the Executive Board of this club as Strategist.
Anusha Jahin (Secretary) – Scholastica Model United Nations Club has always been a members-favourite, from building diplomacy and leadership skills, igniting a love for MUN’s to acquiring best delegation awards. For the session of 2022-2023, the talented EB members of the club are eager to guide its members down the legacy of SCHOMUNC and retain its title as the most popular club in the whole of Scholastica!
Imran Faruque (Technologist) – Oh no here we go again.
Sehrish Anika Chowdhury (Treasurer) – Being a pure science student, I’m probably the last person you’d expect to be a treasurer. However, what makes me stand in this position today is my expertise in being able to handle complex money related matters. Moreover, I enjoy calculations, quite a lot and to me organization is virtue. Also having quite a lot of years of experience in this club and genuinely enjoying MUNs, it feels only right if I stand as treasurer to have contribution to this club through my current skillset.
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