Psychology club-2022/2023 Leadership Profile

President– Farha Mehjabin Tahia
Tremendously grateful to be a part of a club which helps us to understand how our complicated mind works. Looking forward to a productive session with everyone. Psyched to be the psychology president this year!
Vice President- Munshatia Islam Merry
I believe that knowing too little about oneself is profoundly dangerous. You can only unravel yourself laterally, vertically, and diagonally to find that you have been taming a wild and fierce mind.
Secretary- Maliha Mustari Sohana
A mind is most powerful when it lets itself be free to discover this world
Treasurer- Shohom Arshil Islam Pabon
“Hello, I’m Shohom, the Treasurer of this club, I am very pleased to be here and I hope we get to experience a great club year.
Strategist- Ameena Wahhab
Knowledge has a beginning but no end
Technologist- Sraboni Haque
“Fascinated by the mysteries of the mind.”
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