Voice Club 2022-23 Leadership Profile

Ready for the 2022-23 session, we bring you this year’s Scholastica Voice Club executive board members; your guides to creating the ultimate platform for expression.
President Shaan Mahmood
Securing the President position for Scholastica Voice has been one of the biggest achievements in my life that I’ve been able to accomplish outside Zaowad’s shadow. Hold this ratio.
Vice President Shah Zaowad Ahnaf
I might not have an attractive height but I intend to take this club to great heights.
Secretary Sarrat Zarir Afzal
Here’s to yet another amazing year ahead!
Strategist Dhrupadi Latifa Siddique
It’s fun coming up with new ideas every now and then. As strategist, it is my greatest honour to be able to come up with various ideas and suggest them to my fellow board members. It allows me to tinker with my own creativity and helps me expand my horizons to things I would have never known otherwise. My hunger for growth and learning, paired with quite the active imagination is what I feel makes me a strategist fit for this club.
Treasurer Mahir Daiyan
The Scholastica Voice club is a one of kind platform for students to express themselves through their creative works in all mediums. Being a firm believer in the power of self-expression, it brings me honour to be the treasurer of the Voice Club, and I hope my service makes for an amazing year for all members of the club.
Technologist Zuhayr Zahed
Hoping to make this club session an amazing one!
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