Termly Newsletter

A remarkable term for SRU clubs it seems! From holding competitions & campaigns to winning national debating championships, SRU clubs continue to prove that a digital world isn’t going to stop them anytime soon from having successful club activity! As the number of clubs rise to 24, so does the competition. SLLC was set on a quest to put the clubs on a pedestal of honour – ranking each one of them to its deserving spot. Teamwork, commitment and keeping the members interested was always a challenge for the EB members – and now put social media into the mix! That is only some of the many factors the clubs need to keep in check. Congratulations to all clubs! Now let’s see what they’ve got in store!
Mathematics Club
This year the Mathematics club of Scholastica SRU has hosted an intra-school event. Following the last year, the competition consisted of 3 categories; Junior, Secondary and Senior, including classes from 3 to 12. The event started off with speeches from the faculty advisors of the club and instructions given by the president of the club. Out of the 115 participants, 35 students were of junior category, 64 students from the secondary
category, and 16 students from the senior category. All the participants sat for a 1 hour preliminary round, of which only 10 students from each category will proceed to the finals, which was a short 30 minutes exam. The winners from each category are: Junior Category Champion:
Manha Tazreen Khan (Class 3) Runners Up: Raahil Yaqin (Class 3) 2nd Runners Up: Sarj Farvaaj Ahmed Ridwan (Class 4) Secondary Category Champion: Sadia Nusrat (Class 8) Runners Up: Kazi Samin Yasir (Class 10) 2nd Runners Up: Tamjeed Raheed (Class 10)
Senior Category Champion:
Farha Tazriaan Khan (Class 12) Runners Up: Abrar Shahriar Zaman Shiham (Class 12) 2nd Runners Up: Nameera Ahmed (Class 11) The event came to an end after a motivating speech from Halima Mir, supervisor of Class 6 and Sajeda Zaman, supervisor of Class 9.
Scholastica Debate Club
SDC claims the Championship trophy of the biggest national debate tournament known as BDC PRE-WORLDS 2021! The winning team consisted of Sarah Tasneem (Grade 10), Nazwa Nasheeta Rahman (Grade 11), Progga Parmita Rupkotha (Grade 11). The team had a flawless run with 6/6 wins in the initial preliminary rounds making them the 1st Breaking Team in the Open Category and directly sent them to the Octo-Finals. The Grand Finals consisted of Scholastica Uttara against Notre Dame College and after a very close debate, Scholastica Uttara brought the trophy home! SDC-2 consisted of Najmus Sakib Raad (Grade 12), Munshatia Islam (Grade 11) and Fayyad Ahmed (Grade 11). SDC-2 also had an incredible run with 4/6 wins in the preliminary rounds making them the 1st Breaking Team in the Novice Category. They made it all the way to the Novice Semi-Finals! Sarah Tasneem, Nazwa Nasheeta and Progga Parmita Rupkotha from SDC-1 have also been selected for National Debate Camp where they will compete against the best debaters in the country for a place in the national debate team. This marks the 2nd time in just 3 years that the SDC brought the national debate championship home. We wish them all the very best for the future!
Psychology Club
The best article submissions on ‘The Lessons Learned’ from Milgram (obedience) Case Study.
Students of Psychology Club have shown great enthusiasm in the tasks of September. They have not only shown keen interest in the activities, but actively communicated during the weekly sessions. 17 students have written informative Articles based on the lessons they have learned from Milgram (obedience) case study, from where the best submissions belong to: Tanzima Tabassum Ali (XII-Maroon) Adiba Raihan (VII-Maroon) Tanushka Samara (XII-Indigo) Aabisha Aadlin Shahariya (VII-Maroon) Ahnaf Murshed Ahmed (XII-Maroon) Zafeer Shahed (VIII-Indigo) 12 students have written Short stories & Poems based on their responses from ‘Mental Health during Pandemic’ Survey. The best Poems were by: Aarham Ferdous Khan (IX-Orange) Amina Assad Jasia (X-Indigo) The best Short stories were by: Tista Nazrul (XII-Maroon) Tanushka Samara (XII-Indigo). For World Mental Health Day, Scholastica Psychology Club will have an Intra-club writing Competition. It will be a week-long event from 7th-13th October.
Environmental Club
The Scholastica Environmental Club has conducted a week-long environmental awareness campaign on its social media pages from the 19th-25th of the month of September, 2021. The campaign was centered around the theme of “Zero Waste”. Members actively conducted secondary research and presented their findings in the form of creative infographic slides which were uploaded to raise awareness among our school community. Members were also assigned to maintain a personal journal where they listed down what wastes were produced and how they consciously tried to reduce it, as they went along the week. The event was incredibly successful – having circulated more than 14 incredibly informative, innovative and crucial posts on The Scholastica Environmental Club Facebook and Instagram Pages. The posts covered topics such as the environmental benefits of going Zero Waste, the link between fast fashion and Zero Waste, the role of Industrial Corporation in waste management,etc. Furthermore, the slides shedded light on how we can be preventative about these problems such as by finding eco-friendly alternatives, making innovative Zero Waste DIYs, etc. Our members have shown great teamwork and confidence in conducting their research and sharing it with the rest of the school. We are very proud of their efforts. We hope that through this week, our members and the rest of our community, have grown conscious of the growing importance of Zero Waste as well as found a trusted outlet for practical ways of adapting these habits to their day to day lifestyle. It is also important to note that going Zero Waste does not have to be by going “All –in “ or “All –Out” . It is the mentality of choosing what matters over what doesn’t. Going Zero Waste can simply be growing conscious of one’s needs.”A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”Out of the submissions of the slides – the ones with the most compelling research, writing and presentation were selected to be published. Members showing active work ethic and taking the lead of their assigned group throughout the campaign have been awarded with the title of “Top Campaigner”. Presenting to you the awardees for the month of September. Congratulations everyone !
Scholastica Dance Club
Three members from the dance club prepared a dance video for teacher’s day under the direction of the choreographer. They rehearsed for three weeks before shooting the video. All the members of the dance club came together to choreograph a Rabindra Sangeet together. Multiple sessions were held throughout the week where the members voted for the song, choreographed the steps, and learnt the dance. They have recorded themselves and submitted draft videos of them practicing. In this quarter, two members have received certificates for being the most active. They had the highest minutes of activity and performance (173 minutes total) throughout the sessions.
Ted-Ed Club
Scholastica’s age-old tradition of organizing a ‘Teachers versus Students’ was carried out by the school’s TED-Ed club. Instead of hosting a typical football match – the club had to improvise and hence decided on something out of the ordinary, yet noteworthy. It was an online game called ‘Desert Island’, where both the teachers and students were each given an intelligence and they had to pitch why they deserved to live. Unlike usual student versus teacher, here it was every man for themselves- which meant we not only got to see teachers teaming akgainst students but also against themselves! . To add some masala to the game, there were two moderators who were simply there to pit the competitors against one another and crack jokes! Moreover, there were two other members bantering in the chat-box. The whole game went pretty smoothly. In the end, the winners were Body Kinesthetic – Majed Sir and Mathematical-logical – Adib sir. Nonetheless, everyone enjoyed the game which we could tell by their reviews. “Truly, well organized ,” stated Adib Sir and “I apologize for enjoying killing of people too much. You let loose the monster in me. Well done, everyone! You all deserve the warmest of plaudits,” expressed Majed Sir. The whole meeting ended on a high note as all the students wished the teachers “HAPPY TEACHERS DAY!” by showing their placards
Community Service Club
The Covid-19 Awareness Month
Members were taught the importance of maintaining hygiene to protect one’s health and others in the current pandemic. An interactive discussion took place between the members and Ebs about how Covid 19 had an impact on them, both positively and negatively.
The Digital Board Competition
CSC hosted a digital board competition for the Discipline Month 2021-2022, in the month of October. The competition was based on Anti – Bullying and was judged by Ms. Meherun Nesa and Ms. Tanzeela Amin. Digital Board is a platform where you can express your creativity through collages of pictures, writings, quotes and many more, digitally.
Teacher’s Day Video
For Teacher’s Day which was in October 2021, our members made a video of themselves talking about their favourite teacher. The video also included Teacher Ms. Naheed Sultana, who also shared a beautiful story with her favourite teacher. Transgender Awareness Month(October) In this month, we tried our best to educate our members regarding the Transgender community of Bangladesh and their struggle and also how can we help them as an organization. Members shared their own opinions and perspectives regarding this topic.
Project Sporsho
CSC has been working with the Sporsho Foundation for the last two years. Ms. Nazia Jabeen, founder of the Sporsho Foundation believes that a sustainable society can be built only when people are empowered with knowledge with an inclusive approach, by reaching out to all, including the ones who are physically challenged. To support their vision, Scholastica Community Service Club has taken up a project to gift 50 braille books to Sporsho Foundation on the occasion of the Independence Day of Bangladesh on 26th March 2022. The Fundraising and works has begun already from November, 2021.
The Mental Health Awareness
Month Members were taught about the importance of mental health. They also learned about how the pandemic has affected their mental health and how to take care of their mental health. An interactive discussion between the EB members, club members and faculty advisors took place regarding Mental Health.
Scholastica Model United Nation
On this day, nations signed upon a collective aim for a better future. The creation of the United Nations was an effort to push our humanitarian cause to a new height. In the last two years, we have witnessed our fair share of unprecedented times. Amidst the hardships of poverty, lackings of a quality health care system throughout the world and the dire need to educate our future generation, the pandemic has made things harder to tackle such issues. Scholastica Model United Nations club is making an effort to showcase the magnitude of the dilemmas that we are facing. These sustainable development goals (SDGs) are attempting to procure a better prospect for our future generations to follow. One step at a time! Enjoy the video.. Video link: https://youtu.be/x7VbN4K4AHU *Your Right to Reply* #yourrighttoreply
Art In Action Club
This is the chance for students of classes 7 to 12 to ask questions and receive advice from people who have already gone through extraordinary journeys and have pursued careers where Art plays a significant role in their work!
Meditation & Mental Health
The Meditation and Mental Health Club of Senior Campus Uttara organized a 10 day long awareness campaign to observe World Mental Health Day from 10th – 20th October. The end of the campaign was marked by a closing ceremony that highlighted the works of the campaigners. A writing and art competition was organized as part of the campaign in which students of Classes V-XII took part. The results of this competition along with the top campaigners were announced during the ceremony. Honorable guest speaker, Dr. Abdun Noor Tushar, Popular Television Show Host, Writer and Social Activist and Ms Irfana Samia, Senior Mental Health Counselor of SRU and SRM were present to help students widen their knowledge about mental health while also giving them the opportunity to ask questions and clear some concepts.
Results of Write ups from Junior category-
Winner – Areez Sharaf, VIII-Maroon Runner Up – Raima Kabir, VIII-Blue Special mention – Sahar Majeda Ahmed, VIII Results of Artworks and Posters from Junior category- Winner – Umme Jainab Arabi, VIII-Red Runner Up – Samsun Nahar Khan, V-Orange Special mention – Eshan Abdulla, VIII-Red
Results of Write Ups from Senior category-
Winner – Jannatul Ferdous Rohene, IX-Indigo Runner Up – Amina Assad Jasia, X-Indigo Special mention – Tarannum Adrita, IX-Maroon
Results of Artworks and Posters from Senior category –
Winner – Tahsin Saba Urjoshi, XII-Blue Runner up – Sidratul Muntaha, IX-Green Special mentions – (I) Swagata Lakshmi Kangugo, X-Maroon (II) Yasmeen Jahan, X-Maroon
Business Club
Intra School Business Tournament 2021 held by SRU business club on 5th and 6th of November was a massive success. There were two categories: startup pitch and salesman pitch, following are the champions from the competition
Environmental Club
Environmental Club of Senior Campus Uttara has successfully hosted its first ever online Poster Making Competition from 1st to 11th of November 2021 on the theme of “Water Pollution.” This time they took a unique approach to the art of poster making; participants were instructed to make their posters primarily using recyclable materials already available in their households in order to reduce waste. The objective of the competition was to raise awareness and actions for the 3Rs ; reduce, reuse and recycle. To cut down the amount of waste we throw away and use these items for other purposes. The following winners were announced at the closing ceremony:
Junior Category
1st Position- Nusaiba Ibnat Haque, Class VIII/Orange
2nd Position – Fayaadh Salehin Ahmed, Class: VIII/ Maroon
3rd Position – Safwana Binte Rifat, Class V/Orange
Senior Category
1st Position – Purnata Barun Dey, Class X/Maroon
2nd Position- Lamha Masheyeat Bhuyan, Class XI/Maroon
3rd Position – Tahiya Tasnim, Class IX/ Indigo
Ted-Ed Club
TedEd Scholastica comes up with an innovative idea of showcasing their members’ public speaking skills through a series ‘PressPlay’. So far 4 episodes have been uploaded on their social media pages where we are introduced to thought-provoking speeches, each one focusing on a different topic such as global warming, recreating daily mindset, China’s nuclear reactor plans and the paradox of overchoice! This is only the beginning, what more exciting speeches will we be listening to next? – stay tuned with TedEd Club to find out!
Art In Action
There has always been hesitation within many students on what field they would like to study, or what careers they might like to pursue. Art-related careers, or careers that have to do with creativity, are some that are easily shadowed, looked over and disregarded for the biases that surround it. On the 21st of October 2021, from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm, the Art in Action had taken the initiative to host an event focused on encouraging young artists to follow their dreams. With our alumni, Ms. Inaka Mahmud, who is an Artist at Ink by Inaka, Co Founder of Footsteps Organization and Business Owner of Lucy the Bakery, as well as Mr. Syed Muzakkir Faiyaz, who is a Freelance 3D Generalist as well as Project Coordinator at Imperial Agency, the event was a huge success! Pre-recorded videos of each guest was broadcasted to all the students who had registered for the event, speaking to them to their hearts’ content about their experience in the artistic fields as well as advice them on how they can pursue their dreams as well. Ms. Inaka Mahmud and Mr. Syed Muzakkir Faiyaz were also present in the event, taking questions from students and discussing subjects such as the reluctance within our society to see Art-related as pursuable careers for our future. Students had expressed their enjoyment of the event and the opportunity to speak to their alumni on such an overlooked matter, and the Art in Action looks forward to hosting more events that speak to the hearts of talented people.
Science Club
The Scholastica Science Club at SRU is proud to announce that we organized the first-ever research-based Olympiad in Bangladesh, held from December 17 to 19, 2021, with over 130 registrants across all categories (from Grades 3 through 12). After three days of in-depth research, critical evaluation, and strict marking, 18 awards were handed out to the most outstanding candidates, researchers, and presenters. The Scholastica Science Club hopes to continue this success story by inaugurating Bangladesh’s first-ever school-level academic research journal in the very near future, and also by expanding this event to the international stage next year. Besides that, we look forward to launching a classic event with a special twist sometime later on this year. Keep your eyes and ears open, people! Abstract Research Question: Discuss how to extract different medicines from plants, how plants produce them and how the biochemical composition of these compounds make them effective for usage. Title: PLANTS – BLESSINGS IN DISGUISE Author: Raima Kabir Throughout this unbiased study an investigation was led to truly depict the importance of plants regarding production of medicine. For the knowledge gap in production, extraction and applications, research was conducted. The study indicated that plants can produce essential drugs of therapeutic implications. It revealed the biochemical components of plants extracted in a methodical way taking care of conserving the labile substances, polar, non-polar, and thermo-stability of the component. Various methods of isolation has been described as well as solvents used depending on the biochemical properties. A few examples of chemical formula of drugs and their mechanism of actions, therapeutic effects is also explored. The medicine manufactured from plant sources are either a single drug or a combination of drugs. The drugs converted to pharmacological product through adding excipients, stabilizers and etc. Different drugs have different mode of action based on their origin plant and biochemical properties. They work on different receptor level based on their affinity and target. Some drugs work in the cell membrane, some in cytoplasm, some in the nucleus. There are many secondary biochemical changes in the cellular level following ingestion of medicinal plant. Different parts of the plant has unique components like resin, roots, sap and seeds.
First quarter
Second quarter
To get regular update about club and their actives visit out
Facebook page : Student leaders club of Scholastica
@sllc_sru @scholastucatededclub @sruscienceclub @srucommunityservice @sru.psychology.club @sruenvironment @sru_artinaction @sruliteratureclub @sru_photography.club @srudanceclub @businessclubsru @amnestyclubsru @sru.mmhclub @sru_crochet_club @actuallysdc @srulawclub @sruvoice @srucomputerscience @srumathsclub @schomunc @srumusicclub @srudramaclub @scholastica_icc_club
Please contact SLLC email for any queries: sllcsru@gmail.com
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