Ted-Ed Club – 2022/23 Leadership Profile

Samit Shaharaj | President
Being a part of this prodigious club for so long, it often seems that the lines between my name and the Ted-Ed Club nowadays are almost synonymous. I am indeed beyond honored and confounded by excitement as I finally inherit the responsibility of leading the club that I had once co-founded as its next President. To anyone who has spent even a minute in this club, whether as part of the tight knit members of the club or as a curious onlooker, my goals and vision for the future of this great club is no secret. And with our zealous members and the new Executive Board – that consists of equally, if not more, legendary leaders who not only share the same deep intimacy with this club of ours but also the same ambitions of taking the club towards an even greater height – by my side, it is to be rest assured that our collective vision of pioneering the status of Scholastica Ted-Ed Club as a prominent powerhouse of intellectual discourse and creative stimulation, in the fabric of Scholastica, is only days away from being inevitably achieved.
MD Ahsan Ul Kabir | Vice President
Hello! I am Md Ahsan Ul Kabir, currently elected as Vice President of the Ted-Ed club. I have always had a passion for public speaking and freedom of sharing ideas, which is why I have always loved the Ted-Ed Club and being Vice President, I promise to give it my all during this session. The Ted-Ed Club has been around for 2 years now, which was entirely during the pandemic, hence, the executive board members have been unable to host a physical ‘TEDx’ event. In the upcoming year, hopefully, where the school will be held physically, my prime objective would be to organize the TEDx event and set a benchmark for the upcoming years. In addition, the transition from online sessions to physical sessions, where I would try to make it one of the most interactive clubs, by scheduling routine speeches from members, giving back pointers about their speeches, and most importantly making sure the Ted-Ed club remains a place where anyone can share their thoughts, their ideas and feel appreciated. In this way, I hope with my leadership, communication and determination the upcoming year will be the Ted-Ed club’s best year and it will set a precedent for the following years.
Mahdi Sadman | Secretary
It is an incredible honor to be the secretary of Scholastica’s one of the most prestigious clubs, the TED-Ed Club, which not only has keen interest in enhancing the experience of club members but also sets the bar for higher and higher accomplishments each session, making the club exceptional and ever improving. Being in the EB circuit for two sessions it is no secret what the club hopes to pull off this session after two years of being constrained to online sessions due to the prevalent pandemic, it is a shared ambition of the best possible combination of EB members to maximize the advantage of physical Ted-Ed sessions to make it more delightful and enjoyable. Ted-Ed is and will be the domicile of prodigious high-flyers who are the big shots of tomorrow.
Inesh Ashfaque Ahmad | Strategist
Being the Strategist of a club that feels like home, I’m determined to maximize my creativity to assist the club towards reaching its respective objectives, and surpass the benchmarks set last year. It is an absolute honor for me to work for this club for the third consecutive year. These years have taught me a lot, and I intend on learning more from the year ahead. The previous groups of people were a joy to work with, and now seeing a couple of new additions to last year’s team excites me and gives us a collective opportunity to bring dynamism in our team working skill which will be greatly useful for our year together. With that being said, I ensure to contribute to my highest potential level and sign off as a role model for the forthcoming torchbearers. Thank you!
Ishmam Syed Nuhan | Treasurer
I am extremely grateful to be elected as the treasurer of this great club. Ted-ED has always excited me as I think it is essential for students to feel the freedom to express themselves at different stages in their lives, Ted-ED gives us that opportunity. In the past few years, especially in the pandemic I was fortunate enough to work with many non-profit organizations and volunteered in conducting different events and fundraisers, this helped me gain important skills and experience which I hope will come good for our club this session. Being a part of this EB team, along with some very talented and dedicated individuals gives me great optimism for the upcoming session. I promise to give my all in making sure we create an engaging, productive and enjoyable year for our members and hope to elevate the club to new heights.
Ayesha Wahhab | Technologist
Hello everyone! My name’s Ayesha Wahhab and I’ll be Ted-Ed’s Technologist this year. Having been a member last year, I am absolutely ecstatic to be able to lead this wonderful club with the rest of the Executive Board this coming session. Bringing all my experience with me, I will create banners, posters and videos for this phenomenal club. Be assured, the digital media of the Ted-Ed Club is in safe hands.
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