First Term Club Newsletter

As the First Term came to an end, it seemed to be a pretty eventful one for the clubs of SRM. From clubs collaborating in projects to hosting country-wide Inter-school event, the clubs had it all. Despite having the disadvantage of everything having to be conducted online, the club leaders managed to pull it off successfully. Like every other time, the leaders of SLLC felt the challenge of having to rank the clubs despite having so many projects and activities. Let’s have a look at the Top 5 clubs that outdid the rest in the 2nd quarter. Congratulations to all the clubs for their achievements!
Now let us have a deeper insight to what the clubs in SRM were upto during the First Term of 2021/22 session:
Mathematics Club:
Starting with the club that ranked 1st among all in the second quarter, throughout the first term, Scholastica Mathematics Club taught their members various topics and concepts such as Vieta’s Theorem, Binomial Theorem, Arithmetic and Geometric Progression, Critical Problem Solving, etc. The leaders also prepared and guided the members of the club to take part in Bangladesh Mathematical Olympiad (BdMO). At the end of the second term, the club started preparing for their collaborative International school and college level event “Scholastica Mathematics and Programming Conference” which will take place in February, 2022.
Environmental Club:
Being a club which got established this session in SRM, the Environmental Club certainly exceeded all the expectations that existed. Throughout the first term, the club had 2 main projects for the members “Impacts of Climate Change” and “Green Entrepreneurship,” the second one being a collaborative project with SYEEF club. The club members presented their project during the sessions for both projects and top 3 presentations were announced. In addition to that, they also assigned special projects to the members reflecting on Urban Heat and Ozone Layer. Later in the second quarter, the club launched the first edition of its flagship event “Scholastica Environmental Summit” where the club received response from all around the country and had almost 300 participation registrations throughout all 4 competitions the event offered which were Environmental Olympiad, Green Blog, Eco Innovator and Policy Making. The event was held on 5th and 6th November, 2021.
Community Service:
As Community Service club followed the theme of Alleviating Humanitarian Crisis and assigned a project based on that to the members in the month of September, issues such as Poverty and Hunger during the pandemic, unemployment and Rohingya Refugee camp and many more were brought into discussion and highlighted. During October, the club mainly focused on Mental Health and Wellbeing and celebrated World Mental Health Day by collaborating with various clubs such as Music, Drama, Spoken Word and Dance. They also hosted a special session where they had Ms. Shahina Akther from Psychological Health and Wellness Clinic (PHWC) who talked about the importance of mental health and discussed questions related to it. Moving forward, they focused on Gender Equality and Taboos in the upcoming month as the Honorary Leaders of the club conducted the sessions and a project was assigned based on Taboos in Bangladesh. Even though the club sessions were halted in December, the Community Service club of SRM collaborated with SRU in a fundraiser to donate braille books to those who are visually impaired.
Debate Club:
The first term was quite a hectic one for Debating Society as not only they hosted their own intra-club spar competition but participated in inter-school tournaments as well. Before that the leaders of the club ensured the members were used to the “World School Debating Championship” (WSDC) format. During the 2nd quarter, the club focused on teaching the members Preparation Time and Rebuttal Strategy which are important during crucial and early stages of a debate. The winners of SDS Spars competition are:
Mir Tahsin / XI
Nayera Abdullah / VII
Farheen Elma Chowdhury / VIII
Runners – Up:
Swagata Bhowmik Roy / IX
Samiu Hossain / IX
Parisa Ibnat / IX
Best Speaker: Farheen Elma Chowdhury
Scholastica Symphonies:
The music club had a rather busy first term as the members were involved in various events. Starting from having their own Intra-School event to taking part in school wide events such as Teachers’ Day programme, Annual Drama, World Mental Health day event, Academic Achievement ceremony. During the sessions, the leaders assigned projects such as creating covers, songwriting and reflecting the growth and significance of Bengali Traditional Music. Azmeeha Mobin from class X/Indigo won the World Mental Health day competition on songwriting. As for their Intra-school Music competition, the following students achieved the top 3 places in their respective categories:
1st Place- Samira Alam / IX
2nd Pace- Jadid Yair / IX
3rd Place- Raisa Hasan / VII
1st Place- Maliha Chowdhury / XII
2nd Place- Mary Chowdhury / XII
3rd Place- Maisha Farzana / XI
The month-long collaborative project between SYEEF and Stallions Magazine Club, “Interview Series: Successful Local Businesses’‘ marked a great start to the club year. Members across both clubs formed teams to write articles based on their interviews with local and successful start-ups/businesses, which were published in the Stallion Magazine. The goal of the project was to help members learn about successful businesses first-hand, as well as get an authentic experience of journalism.
Following that, SYEEF intra-club Quiz Day turned out to be a members’ favourite activity. The goal was to help members learn about economics and business basics through a fun and interactive live quiz, while also encouraging their curiosity to learn and engage in healthy competition.
For the month of October, Environmental Club partnered with SEC on a month-long project for members of both clubs titled “Green Entrepreneurship.” Members formed teams of 4 and came up with sustainable business ideas, outlining what the start up business will be on and how they plan on solving environmental and climate issues with their business activities, the strengths and weaknesses, marketing strategy, and ways to grow the business. Having 3 collaborative club sessions, it was rather an interactive and learning experience for the members as the teams presented their ideas having a Q&A session too for the members. Members worked on an assignment called “Speak to Lead: Business Edition” where they researched and extempore speeches based on Business and Economics. Members were briefed about the competition and discussions were held. Members were also given topics to give speeches on. Members gave their speeches and were judged by faculty advisors and Finalists were chosen. Finalists were given a topic to speak about in their extempore speech. Winners were chosen after being judged by faculty advisors.
Spanish Club:
In the first-ever installment of the Scholastica Spanish Club, members started their journey by exploring the context of language in different cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. Through interactive activities, members learnt the basics of the Spanish language — the alphabet, numbers, and greetings. In the following sessions, members enjoyed learning how to form and pronounce introductory sentences and questions.Simultaneously, members worked on projects such as “Adopt a Spanish-speaking country” and “National Day of Spain” to delve into Spanish culture and history. In the second quarter, they moved on from learning how to form and pronounce basic Spanish words and phrases, to learning how to introduce themselves in a conversation. Through a communicative approach, members started to interact using their name, nationality, age, profession, etc. They also worked on the identification of objects through visual learning. Simultaneously, members worked in teams on projects such as “National Day of Spain” to do individual studies of Spanish culture and history.
Drama Club:
The drama club took part in several school wide events such as Teachers’ Day, Academic Achievement Ceremony, World Mental Health Day. The Teachers’ Day video was made as a collaborative one with SPMC. A short intra-club skit making competition regarding World Mental Health Day was hosted by the club to spread awareness regarding mental health. At the end of first quarter, the club began rehearsing for Annual Drama which was on 16th December, 2021. The play this year “ওরা এখনো আসে” based on the 14th December’s Martyred Intellectuals Day was streamed online on Youtube.
Photography and Media Club:
Scholastica Photography & Media Club launched its first ever Photography, Videography and Media course which went on for the first 2 quarters. The course was mainly conducted by the President and Vice President of the club. The participating members got a detailed course on the types of camera lenses and on photography. As the first quarter was mainly based on mobile and DSLR photography and the editing, the second quarter was based on teaching video editing which concluded with members submitting their works and got feedback on it during the sessions Over 30 members of the club participated in this crash course. Moreover, the club also had collaborative projects with SYEEF and SPMC during the first term.
Spoken Word:
The club had a busy quarter as the members were kept occupied with contributing in the school Teachers’ Day and Academic Achievements Ceremony with participation in Intra-school competition hosted by the Community Service Club to celebrate World Mental Health Day. In addition to that, the club also assigned a project to its’ members on Storytelling, which continued for multiple sessions, involving the members getting feedback on their pieces. During the second quarter, the club members were assigned with a Story Writing project where they had the choice of either writing a 500 – 720 words story or a video of the narration of the story. The best works got featured in club social media pages and members getting achievement certificates.
Science Club:
The Science Club focused on teaching the members about Astronomy, teaching some of the details of it, highlighting the significance of it during the sessions. In addition to that, the club also assigned a project called “Project Aqua,” where the participating teams had to come up with a commercially viable solution to any problem they may think of, be it to facilitate our lifestyle or help the community, by making use of water. Amidst the several excellent projects they selected a winner and an honorable mention. In the second quarter, the club arranged an Intra-club Olympiad and later the top performers were announced.
International Relations:
The first quarter has been quite a busy one for International Relations as not only their members contributed in school events such as Teachers’ Day celebration, they also hosted an Intra-school event called “Salem Witch Trials” on September 24th which received immense response from the students in terms of participation. The event made students dig deep into historical events and represent themselves in moot trials, making it a successful and memorable event for the students and the leaders themselves! Moreover, the club had frequent MUN sessions during the club meetings making each and every meeting a fun, learning experience for the members. In the upcoming quarter, the club conducted a demo MUN session and prepared their members for BAMUN.

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