Second Quarter Summed Up

The second quarter has been quite a busy one for Scholastica Environmental Club. The club had its first collaborative project with Scholastica Young Entrepreneurs’ and Economists’ Forum (SYEEF) and hosted its first ever trademark event “Scholastica Environmental Summit” where a lot of the club members participated and was a part of the organizing body of the event.
SYEEF Collaboration:
For the month of October, Environmental Club partnered with SYEEF on a month-long project for members of both clubs titled “Green Entrepreneurship.” Members formed teams of 4 and came up with sustainable business ideas, outlining what the start up business will be on and how they plan on solving environmental and climate issues with their business activities, the strengths and weaknesses, marketing strategy, and ways to grow the business. Having 3 collaborative club sessions, it was rather an interactive and learning experience for the members as the teams presented their ideas having a Q&A session too for the members.
Scholastica Environmental Summit:
From November 5 – 6, the Environmental Club hosted their first ever inter-school event where students from class 7 – 12 participated. Having 4 competitions (Environmental Olympiad, Green Blog, Eco Innovator, Policy Making) offered to the participants, the event received immense response from all over Bangladesh. Having 2 rounds for Environmental Olympiad and single rounds for the other 3, the participants enjoyed it throughout the event and the winners were chosen on a very narrow margin for all 4 competitions. During the 2nd day of the event, Mr. Shohail Bin Saifullah, who works at the International Centre of Climate Change and Development under the Youth Programme appeared as the keynote speaker and shared his valuable words with the fellow participants, having a Q&A session as well. The entire event took place in Google Meet, giving regular updates in the clubs’ Facebook and Instagram page as well. In general, this event was a huge success, given that the club was established months before it took place, surpassing all the expectations the club had for the event.
Final session of 2nd Quarter:
After the Environmental Summit took place, the club got to conduct one more session before club sessions were halted due to the First Term Examinations. In the final session, the members shared their feedback regarding the club sessions and projects offered.
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