Art in Action Club – 2021/22 Leadership Profile

Ethina Emma Islam
I am grateful for the chance to lead the Art in Action club the coming year. I hope to give the members a club they truly feel at home in, where no talent is too little, and no idea is too small or too big. To all my fellow artists looking for a place where they can explore, learn and have fun, I shall do my best to make Art in Action that place for you!
Vice President
Maitreyee Das Urmi
Hello members, welcome aboard! I’m delighted to greet you all in this journey for the upcoming session. Hope to wrap this session with colorful and exciting masterpieces created by you. Looking forward to another successful year of Art in Action.
Rania Haque
Hello! I am immensely fortunate to be the Secretary of this club for this session. Looking forward to making this year as prosperous and fun as the previous years, with the help of our executive and club members.
Humaira Khan
Hello! I am really delighted for position of the strategist and looking forward to voluntary and creative activities. I am myself ecstatic for this opportunity to work for the Art in Action Club because what could be more perfect than expressing your own life through Art.
Saroja Rushmila Ahmed
Hi there! As the Treasurer for this session, I am honoured and thrilled to start another successful year for this club.
Ayesha Wahhab
How do you do? I am thrilled to be part of the Art in Action Club this year. Hope to end it with a bang!
All the best Art in Action Club! Waiting for a productive year ahead!