First Term 2020/21 Newsletter: SRU Club Activities & Highlights

Besides organizing the student engagement events like Intra School Nature Photography Competition (Environmental club), Mathematics Olympiad (Math Club), Discipline Month Poster Making Competition (CSC), Anti Bullying Campaign (Karate Club), World Mental Health Day celebration (ICC), 75th UN Day observance (MUN Club), Healthy food for Healthy life awareness event (Culinary Club), Academic Achievement and Graduation Ceremony (Music, Dance, Drama, Voice and Literature club), World Teachers Day celebration (all 17 clubs except CSC), Victory Day celebration (Drama, Voice and Music Club), all clubs were busy doing some interesting activities for the members through their regular club session.
We are proud of our student leaders for living up to their responsibilities and of all participating student members for their commitment and their resilience even given the challenges of virtual participation. Read below their descriptions of all the engaging activities they were up in the past term -:
Scholastica Karate Club
Scholastica Karate Club made history by arranging the first ever online karate challenge for its members. It was a Basic Straight Punch (Choku-Zuki) Challenge where SKC karatekas recorded themselves performing 10 straight punches and the winners were selected based on good form and timing, vigorous execution, and spirit.
Scholastica Voice Club
On the 6th of September, Scholastica Voice hosted an Interactive Session, ‘The Craft of Writing’, where two Scholastican Alums,Nabiha Nusaiba and Rameesa Jameel, currently contributors of the SHOUT magazine by Daily Star and Daily Star Book Review Page, joined in to answer insightful questions from the members and shared wondrous stories from their enthralling experience in Freelancing! Their inspiring words of encouragement and numerous interesting strategies to living with writer’s block, coping with deadlines and more has boosted our aspiring writers’ confidence and assured them that it is okay to fail or be flawed, but that should not make anyone give up.
The club also hosted social media campaigns to highlight the social status quo that contributes to gender violence against the backdrop of anti-rape protests in Bangladesh, and also completed a mental health initiative that was designed to equip members with coping tools and strategies
Scholastica Music Club
Scholastica Music club offers a variety of lessons and provides members the opportunity to display their musical talent and creativity along a very wide range of genres and instruments. We here at scholastica music club understand the importance of music in every students lives and work to expose new types of music to each and every one of them. In the month of September we introduced a more detailed study and research on the musical genre pop, providing the members with various examples of covers and popular songs and testing their knowledge with interactive questions and games. Following that, members were asked to record and send in a video showcasing their talents based on the pop genre which was then compiled and edited then posted to our Facebook and Instagram pages, this allowed them to share their individual creativity and provided a platform for showcase for the students who were unable to do so previously. For this month of October, we moved on to a new genre Rock and introduced them to many different sub-genres that it holds and provided video examples of covers and songs while also getting
Scholastica Drama & Mime Club
Besides working for the annual drama show, SRU Drama and Mime club makes its members go through vigorous exercises and lessons, a prime example being our Discord Watch Party. Here, members get to relax and enjoy movies while simultaneously analyzing and criticizing phenomenal performances in film history. Till now, the Watch Party has hosted Jojo Rabbit and Shutter Island.
Art in Action Club
On the month of October, beginning from 8th October, Scholastica Art in Action Club had an Anti-rape Campaign based Project, concerning the current situation of Bangladesh back then of the Anti-rape protests. 7 members and 1 EB member have taken part in this campaign based project and produced some realistic artworks expressing their feelings about the factual scenario of their country. Our members being of all females in this particular project were able to relate with each other and the topic on a more personal level, hence their emotions were conveyed more practically
Literature Club
The Literature Club began its journey by introducing psychological thriller as the theme for the month of September. The response and opinions on this genre engaged the members to analyse their favourite psychological stories and films which then sparked the club’s interest to hold a reading week. A short story: “William and Mary” by Ronald Dahl was chosen to be read out during the session which indeed kept the members engaged in suspense. The theme, character development and the moral of the story was further discussed amongst the club which allowed the members to share their ideas and develop their own analytical skills.
The club explored themes in mental health and coming of age in October and November respectively.
International Culture Club
The Scholastica International Cultural Club is about uniting people with different interests together and allowing skill-sharing amongst everyone in the club. This is a new club that has been started in the Scholastica Senior Uttara Campus.
Our most notable work was for World Mental Day, where we shared photos and videos to spread awareness of Mental Health and its importance in society. We told our members to share their artwork and write-ups for this occasion and we are so honored that the school authorities have chosen us for Mental Health Day. There’s more to come and we look forward to the future
Model UN Club
The first mock MUN session was held from the 5th to the 19th of September where 25 delegates participated. The session dynamics were as follows:
Committee: Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL) Agenda: The 2020 Beirut Incident Awardees:
One Best Delegate, one Outstanding Delegate, two special mentions, three verbal mentions
The second Mock MUN session was held from the 10th to 31st of October were 20 delegates participated. The session dynamics were as follows:
Committee: The United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
Agenda: The Libyan Civil War
Awardees: One Best Delegate, one Outstanding Delegate, two special mentions, five verbal mentions
On the 26th of September, we conducted a very interesting Q/A session where we brought Jaima Jahan (SRU Batch 18) and Abdullah Rakib (SRU Batch 19). The session was interactive and nostalgic as we paved the platform for our members to get their questions answered by two of our most veteran club graduates in a session that last for eighty minutes.
A workshop was held on the 21st of November, where the Executive Board members elucidated the rhetoric of the American political system in the 21st century under two presidents: George W. Bush and Barack Obama. The workshop was heavily informational and provided a glimpse to the members of the political history and policies of a country that many look forward to studying in.
Business Club
For one club session, Scholastica business club welcomed Adil Ahmed, graduate from University of California to host a masterclass on stock exchange. In this session, Mr. Ahmed discussed with our members what exactly is a stock exchange, how it operates and shared some of his tips and tricks for investing into different businesses. The session was lively with Mr. Ahmed presenting intriguing slide shows and members asking interesting questions.
“Pitch It” competition was an intra-club business competition where members participated in groups to present their own unique business idea. The competition allowed members to freely express their dream startup idea while also tested their presenting skills, public speaking and team working abilities. The member’s capability to think on their feet in the question answer sessions were also put to test. The competition saw interesting business ideas ranging from e-commerce businesses to make up lines. With the judges providing valuable feedback after each round, members had the opportunity to improve their business plan. Overall, Pitch It helped all the young entrepreneurs take their first step towards their dream business idea
Science Club
The Scholastica Science club has been delving into different scientific discussions in their weekly club sessions. They explored different topics such as: ‘the science of dreaming’, ‘mysteries of the deep blue sea’ and ‘Arduino coding’. Further working on communication skills by presenting ‘plane crash reports’ or ‘debunking movie science’. They also had fun academic sessions through different interactive quizzes and Q/A sessions
The Community Service Club
The Community Service Club of Scholastica Senior Campus Uttara hosted a live session with Ms. Nazia Jabeen, president of Sporsho foundation and the founder of Sporsho Braille Prokashona on 19th October 2020. Ms. Farah S Ahmed Principal and Head of Section, faculty advisors, management personnel , members of the Community Service Club attended the session. Samin Matin, President of the Community Service Club welcomed the guest and briefed her about the mission and objectives of the club. Sporsho founded by Ms. Nazia Jabeen is the first organization in Bangladesh to publish braille books for the visually impaired children.
Ms.Jabeen spoke about her initiative to empower the visually impaired children by giving them the scope to read books and be financially independent by pursuing higher education. Knowledge gives the light of hope to these children and they can see life from within. Ms Jabeen’s wonderful skill of storytelling kept everyone present engaged and encaptivated. Students were inspired by her talk and many of the club members shared their thoughts about doing something meaningful for the community.
Ms. Farah S Ahmed Principal and Head of Section urged students to come forward and work for the community. She mentioned that a small contribution can make a difference and we have faith and hope in our younger generation that they will bring positive changes.
Dance Club
Besides regular club sessions the dance club members participated in Celesta –International Dane competition and achieved 2nd position in Senior Category. Also Dance club member Afia Ibant achieved 1st position in Scholastica Interschool dance competition by Mirpur Campus. Club members participated number of school event such as Graduation Ceremony, Academic Achievement Ceremony, Teachers Day, Victory Day etc. Members were thoroughly involved keep them busy for different projects during this term
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