SRU Club Rankings 2019/20

Congratulations to the following SRU clubs for their performance in the 2019/20 academic session.
We have only ranked clubs in the top half, but reports on all clubs are included below that will show why your club did/did not make it to this list.
As a student leader you can plan for excellence. As a student member you can initiate and participate in projects that allow your club to build a community of students who are passionate about and developing their skills in their chosen areas.
1. Excellent
- Community Service Club
- Scholastica Voice
2. Very Good
- Art in Action
- Music Club
3. Good
- Drama Club
- Debate Club
- Model UN Club
4. Fair
- Literature Club
- Environmental Club
- Science Club
2019/20 clubs not included in the list above did not demonstrate exemplary performance and were not ranked.
These rankings are based on
- An evaluation of club projects
- Did the club have regular meetings as defined in its setup doc? Did the club come up with novel project ideas? Did the club manage to implement a good number of projects outlines in its planning doc?
- An evaluation of student leadership
- Did student leaders fulfill their leadership obligations? Did they meet policy deadlines and maintain an active policy-eligible club?Were student leaders’ professional and responsive in their communication with the Events’ Office?
Art in Action
Club projects
Active club. Had regular meetings and worked on the following projects -:
- Worked on Teachers Day canvases and banners
- Participated and prepared cards and posters for CRP trip with Community Service Club
Student leadership
- Connected with events throughout the session: Excellent
- Planning and coordination with Event before clubs events and activities: Excellent
- Performance, approach, club coordination (mostly President): Excellent
Community Service Club
Club projects
Active club. Had regular meetings and worked on the following projects -:
- Flood donation activity in August
- Field trip in October with Art Club at Obhijatrik School, non-privileged child’s school– but postponed due to exams of both school. Rescheduled in January 2020.
- Exam preparation tips poster circulation all over the campuses in November
- Cleanliness drive on Class party in December and in January
- Work on the posters making and students briefing, speech from Club members in Cleanliness drive in January.
- Fund raising activity- through football tournament collected funds and arranged to give two wheel chairs for CRP, Savar.
Student leadership
- Connected with events throughout the session: Excellent
- Planning and coordination with Event before clubs events and activities: Excellent
- Performance, approach, club coordination (mostly President): Excellent
Debate Club
Club projects
- Trainer has regular sessions with some members
- Club held an Interschool Debate Tournament in March
Student leadership
- Connected with events throughout the session: Excellent
- Planning and coordination with Event before clubs events and activities: Excellent
- Performance, approach, club coordination (mostly President): Good
Drama Club
Club projects
Students put up the following performances -:
- Annual drama in October
- Skit for Victory day
- Play for theater festival at Shilpokola
Club did not have regular meetings in the first term after the annual drama
Student leadership
- Connected with events throughout the session: Excellent
- Planning and coordination with Event before clubs events and activities: Excellent
- Performance, approach, club coordination (mostly President): Excellent
Environmental club
Club projects
Members were involved in the following -:
- A global climate change workshop with Action Aid September
- Observing the global climate change week in September
- A fundraising bake sale in October
Club did not have regular meetings in the second term.
Student leadership
- Connected with events throughout the session: Excellent for first half of the session
- Planning and coordination with Event before clubs events and activities: Excellent for first half of the session
- Performance, approach, club coordination (mostly President):Not very communicative, other board members carried on sometimes
Literature Club
Club projects
Club had regular weekly meetings in the first term. Regular meetings stopped in the second term
Club organized a members’ trip to Dhaka Lit Fest
Student leadership
- Connected with events throughout the session: Excellent for half of the session, rest half no communication
- Planning and coordination with Event before clubs events and activities: Excellent for half of the session, rest half no communication
- Performance, approach, club coordination (mostly President): Excellent
Model UN Club
Club projects
Had regular sessions at the beginning of the first term. Held MUN Session V.
Members participated in DPS MUN and Aga Khan MUN
Student leadership
- Connected with events throughout the session: Good
- Planning and coordination with Event before clubs events and activities: Not satisfactory
- Performance, approach, club coordination (mostly President): Excellent
Music Club
Club projects
Had regular sessions and participated in the following events-:
- Teachers day event in October
- United Nations day event in October
- Annual drama in October
Student leadership
- Connected with events throughout the session: Excellent
- Planning and coordination with Event before clubs events and activities: Excellent
- Performance, approach, club coordination (mostly President): Excellent
Scholastica Voice
Club projects
- Active club.
- Maintained an active digital platform through out the academic year and had scheduled meetings.
- Had poem recitation activity on World Mental Health day
Student leadership
- Connected with events throughout the session: Excellent
- Planning and coordination with Event before clubs events and activities: Excellent
- Performance, approach, club coordination (mostly President): Excellent
Science Club
Club projects
Club had regular sessions. Members helped organize the Science Fair and built a robot for display during the fair.
Members participated in an SRM Science Carnival.
Student leadership
- Connected with events throughout the session: Good
- Planning and coordination with Event before clubs events and activities: Good
- Performance, approach, club coordination (mostly President): Excellent
Congratulations to the excellent clubs