SRU Community Service Club – 2021/22 Leadership Profile


Farha Tazrian Khan

Our community has given us a lot and I’m pretty sure now is the perfect time for us to pay back! Eagerly waiting for another incredible year of community service.


Aysha Hossain

So glad to be a part of such an amazing team. Looking forward to a great session!!


Swagata Kanungno

Our club focuses on working for the betterment of the community and it’s people. Being the Secretary of the Community Service Club, I want to help you all gather happiness and develop good socialising skills. I look forward to the sessions ahead. Let’s work together for a better community.


Jesica Anwar Sarah

I am very glad to be a part of such a creative and thoughtful team. Our club aims to raise awareness by discussing on matters that are usually stigmatised, starting from menstrual hygiene to the transgender community. We hope to bring change. Looking forward to a very interactive session. See you in the club meetings!


Areeb Ahmed

Honoured to be a part of this club with this amazing group of people. I look forward to our club making a change and having a successful session.


Ahnaf Mahmud

Always wanted to be a part of the CSC family and I’m glad to have such a supportive team. Looking forward to a great year!

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1 Response

  1. Ummey Asma says:

    All the best Community Service Club! Waiting for a productive year!

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